Thursday, July 28, 2016

10 Easy Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

Nutrition experts and professional dieticians have their own favorite weight loss tips. Here is a compilation of ten easy nutrition tips for weight loss from nutrition experts and dieticians.


1. Eat Often!

Although this might sound counterintuitive, eating more often will help you lose weight. In fact, never go without food for more that 3 to 4 hours. Eat small quantities more frequently to keep hunger down. Eat small portions of protein- and fiber-rich foods throughout the day. Or else, eat a protein-rich snack or fruits between meals so that it reduces your food intake during mealtime.

2. Eat Whole Foods More

Whole foods take longer to digest and therefore make you feel full for a longer period of time. Reduce your intake of processed foods which often leave you feeling hungry again.

3. Never Ever Give Up Your Favorite Foods

Enjoy the foods that you love, but have smaller portions of them. When you learn to limit your intake, you can eat whatever you like and still stay thin. In one sense, you can eat your cake and have it too!

4. No Late-Night Eating Please

Your body needs time to digest your supper before you go to bed. Eating late at night does not allow the body enough time to do its work. The closer you are to bedtime, the lighter you need to eat. Having a heavy meal and then heading straight to bed could mean disaster for your weight loss initiatives.

5. Check Your Weight Often

You would stay on track if you had a good idea of how much you weighed. Take weight measurements periodically and make modifications to your intake accordingly.

6. Fill It With Fruits

If a smaller portion of desert looks pathetically small, add more fruits to it to build up volume. You can have half a cup of ice cream with a full cup of fruits, instead of filling the whole quantity with ice cream alone. This will help you cut more than 200 - 300 calories.

7. Exercise for The Right Reasons

Do not exercise to make you feel hungry, so that you can eat more. Most people will eat back all the calories that they burn in the gym. Eat a small protein-carb snack before or after your workout so that you don't overeat during mealtime. Also keep yourself hydrated adequately.

8. Rest Well

When you sleep well through the night, the urge to overeat is diminished. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day. That would also leave you with less hours for eating over a 24 hour period.

9. Shrink Your Portion

Switch to nine-inch plates so that you eat smaller portions during every meal. Use smaller cups too whenever possible. Shrinking your portion size is key to lowering your food intake, and losing weight.

10. Be Realistic

Remember that 3500 calories amount to just one pound of fat. You need to cut down so many calories to lose that one pound. So, aim at losing one or two pounds a week, so that you stay consistent over a longer period of time.

If you can practice just a few of these tips consistently, you will be well on your way towards losing weight and keeping it off permanently.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Dukan Diet - Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off Forever - New French Diet

Do you want to lose 20 pounds or more quickly? If you haven't tried the Dukan Diet, keep reading this article. Created by a French doctor Pierre Dukan, this diet has created a stir in France over the last decade and was just released outside of France.

Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet has proven a success in people with a little weight to lose and for those who want to lose a lot of weight in a hurry. Dr. Dukan notes that our weight gain is a result of how many fat cells we have. When we overeat, we get to a certain point where the fat cells grow large enough that if we don't stop the unhealthy cycle, they then split into two creating more fat cells. This makes dieting much harder. After working with thousands of patients, Dr. Dukan developed this diet to help people with all different body shapes and sizes to be able to lose and maintain weight loss.

The Dukan Diet helps people lose weight quickly because it works to attack the problem with an intense and limited diet in the beginning, gradually working into something that you can maintain for life. In his ten years working with patients, Dr. Dukan found that this worked for people who were obese and those who wanted to drop a few pounds to get to their ideal weight.

The Dukan diet is broken up into four sections or phases: the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase and the stabilization phase. The diet isn't easy and requires some discipline but if you do stick with it, you can lose weight quickly. The Dukan Diet isn't a quick fix plan - it's a plan for life. Dukan focuses heavily on maintenance, getting through that critical period where most people gain back any weight they've lost through quick crash diets.

During the attack phase of the diet, you eat only protein. The focus on protein seems like the Atkin's plan. However, in contrast to the Atkin's plan, this isn't fatty protein with butter and as much fat as you like. Fat is to be trimmed off of beef and other meats, skin to be removed from the chicken. The attack phase or first portion of the diet can be done for one to ten days, depending on how much weight you need to lose. To lose more weight quickly, continue this attack first phase of the diet for as long as necessary.

The second phase of the Dukan diet is the cruise phase. You will continue to lose weight during this phase but not at the rate you did in the first phase. You will be alternating your protein-only days with protein and vegetable days. Avoiding starchy vegetables is important - most green vegetables can be eaten without restriction during this period on vegetable days. During the cruise phase of the Dukan diet, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week. You stay in this phase alternating protein and protein/vegetable days until you've reached your weight loss goal. If you want to lose weight quickly, stay in the attack phase for a longer time before starting this second phase of the diet. Then, continue the cruise phase until you reach your weight loss goal.

The consolidation phase is the third part of of the Dukan Diet. It is this period that Dr. Dukan says is the critical period where most dieters gain back weight they have lost. During this phase, you can add back in limited amounts of breads, cheese, pasta and other foods you love in moderation. Eat lean protein and vegetables every day. You can add in one serving of fruit per day as well as limited portions of whole grains and dairy. Dukan advises five days of this third phase for every pound of weight you have lost. You don't continue to lose weight in this phase so if you wanted to lose more weight. On the Dukan Diet, it is advised that you do low impact exercise such as a walk for 25 minutes each day.

The fourth phase or stabilization of the Dukan diet is your maintenance plan for life. In this phase, no foods are forbidden but one day each week, you eat only protein. You won't lose weight doing this but it will help you to maintain by balancing out the food during the rest of your week. Similar to the attack phase, during the protein days of the diet, avoid fats and chicken skin and avoid sauces.

Does this diet sound like something you could do? If you could lose 20, 30, 40 pounds or more and maintain it for life, it might be worth it right? Dr. Dukan has many patients thrilled with their weight loss on the Dukan Diet and now that it is available outside of France, more and more people are waking up to the possibility of quick weight loss with long-term results.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Top Seven Foods That Help You Lose Belly Fat Fast

Going on a crash diet is one thing, how ever eating rabbit food for weeks to lose weight is another. Why not learn what foods can actually help you burn belly fat and not go hungry. That's what this article will help you achieve.


You are not the only one suffering from belly fat. Do you want to lose belly fat today? The answer lies within the foods that you are eating. If you want to know what foods to eat to make sure that you lose belly fat, then read on.

First of all, you have to know that if you want to lose belly fat and if you want to get washboard abs, then you need to do these four things to be successful.

1. Make sure you get lots of rest and sleep at night.

2. Drink plenty of water (and try to drink ice cold water, because this forces your body to burn more calories to achieve its normal body temperature.)

3. Follow a regular exercise workout.

4. Eat the right kinds of foods (low in fat, low in sugar, fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains).

The top 7 foods that would help you lose belly fat are:

1. Monounsaturated Fats - good to lose belly fat and perfect for overall health. Examples are olives, nuts, avocados, olive oil.

2. Protein Shakes - Did you know that protein shakes contain at least 20 to 36 grams of protein, which is very good for your health because of its muscle building power and fat burning secrets. It also repairs your tissues after you work out, so make sure you have protein at least 30 minutes after you exercise.

3. Whole Grain Foods - oatmeal with water, skim milk or soy milk, whole grain cereals, brown rice, pop corn (no salt and butter), whole grain corn.

4. Fresh fruits - The number one fruit to eat is the apple because it is low in calories but high in fiber. The trick to this is that you eat an apple before you eat a meal so that you would feel that your stomach is full quickly.

5. Fresh Vegetables - We all know that vegetables contain lots of different minerals and vitamins which are vital for your overall health and the key to losing belly fat. Try packing some sliced vegetables when you go out so you can much on them during snack time.

6. Poultry Meats - The best choices for you are turkey and lean cuts of chicken breast. This is because they contain B6, selenium, niacin and protein. Try cooking them baked, roasted or grilled.

7. Seafood - They contain all the 8 important amino acids and protein. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids which is very important for one's health. The best choice for you is tuna and salmon (if canned, light in water).

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